
4:00 PM 0 comments

Denzel - Eccentrick
Eileen - cellphone etiquette
Tamlyn - Technology
Julius - Colossal U
Jacky - video games
Ana - Obama


3:34 PM 0 comments

This year's theme was very interesting and whack. A lot of artwork just made me jump, it made me jump because I never imagined something like that and some were scary- horror like. The train artwork that the grade 10's made was really nice. Some of them were extremely well done. The thing that struck my interest was the strobe lights artwork. It was the most eccentrick thing I've seen in the whole gallery.

Unforunately I wasn't able to watch any films, because the line was too long and I was frustrated and felt claustrophobic. Everyone was pushing, budding, breathing on me, touching where they shouldn't touch, it was total chaos. I decided not to watch anymore, but I really wanted to watch something. I was however able to watch all of the grade 10's videos. I thought that they were humorous and i quite enjoyed it.

The artwork in all departments was very shiny and was eye catching. The plates in design were beautiful and I wish I could take some home. I actually had a dream about them, I dreamed that with my touch all of the plates broke in the same time. I had to go to design the next day just to make sure they were safe.

Overall this year's theme really defined ECCENTRICK. It was whack, all over the place and plain off centre. It was an amazing show.
We are always surrounded by technology and it can be overwhelming and for some people its not enough. I agree with what Louis C.K. has to say, that people take technology for granted, but I also disagree. Some people do nothing but complain and complain about something that is already amazing in itself. People in Africa don't even have a cell-phone so people shouldn't complain about how 'crap' theirs are.

However I believe that when people feel this way, it is the start of something new. They want something better, faster and thinking that way can lead to people making something out of it or improving it. I'm sure people complain about how laborious it is to do laundry, that complaint made the washing machine. People weren't satisfied with something and they used their brains to make something amazing. For centuries we have been constantly evolving and improving our way of living. Complaining about something can lead to something great.
Everywhere I see, people are talking on cellphones. I don't really mind it when people talk on the street, the bus or at lunch. I do mind it when people talk on cellphones and it's in class. I also detest it when people talk REALLY loud on their cellphone and is currently in a public place such as a line to the cashier or in the bus. I recently watched Dr. Phil go on about cellphones and driving. He was exclaiming how dangerous it is to talk and drive. There was this really young person in his show and she said that she texts all time she drives. How she navigates the car? She steers the car using her left knee, since both hands are required for texting. It was really scary when I first saw this, but she said that it's fine and I haven't been in an accident. I thought that she must be crazy.

People should follow some sort of cellphone etiquette.
1. Please don't talk on extremely crowded areas, and if you must please don't scream, because we can hear you and our ears are breaking.
2. PLEASE dont talk/text and drive. It's REALLY dangerous and you could get yourself and others injured.
3. Your cellphones should be turned off in seminars or meetings, it is rude when your phone rings.
4. Talking to an actual person and on your phone is extremely rude.
5. If someone asks you something, please don't show attitude, but simply say to the person on phone, "Excuse me"
The colossal U ad campaign struck me when I first saw it. In my head I was thinking as to how offensive and weird it is to have something like that. I thought that no university would use that as an actual ad campaign, so I thought it must be to intrigue people and visit their website. Turns out I was right. When I visited the website, I saw that it was an ad campaign to intrigue people and the real university "Algoma University" is the polar opposite and would actually take the time to reach out to their students.

I thought that it was an effective campaign. It was very witty and sly. When a person in their right mind sees the Colossal U ad they would think if it's actually like that and research about it. It's a good way to reach out to many people as much as possible. The ads were also all over TTC and almost everyone sees these ads.
Tons of people have bought, played, seen and have heard about video games. It's no surprise if someone suffers from an addiction to video games and have been badly influenced by video games. Video games are fun, and can get us hyped up. Too much video games is a bad thing, and it will distract us from more important things, like school and units.

For some people video games are even a lifestyle. I read somewhere that some "elite" people get paid 100 grand per year just for playing HALO. For those people video games are extremely good for them, it's their job. However for people like me and you video games can get us in trouble. too much video games will fry our brains and our eyes will get tired if we constantly look at a TV screen. It will distract us from units and will be the blame as to why we failed a course.

Video games aren't always a bad thing, it's only bad if we play it constantly. A lot of things are bad if we consume an abundance. Video games can help us relieve the stress of units. It can be fun and exciting in parties. It can also be a good way to relax if we're feeling down or depressed. Overall Video games are good and bad. It's good if we balance our lives with video games, and it's bad if we let it control our lives.

Obama was the first black person to be elected as president of the United States. His campaign did many advertisements and the spoof of the beer commercial was entertaining and clearly showed change as the message. The commercial was effective of showing that Obama would bring good changes to the country. It was a very witty and smart way of delivering that, by using the beer commercial.

The issues that Obama is very keen on changing are unemployment, health care, global warming, war and the recession or stock market slump. The Ad had all the issues that are of major concern and as a young person I liked it. Older people might not like it or get it, but I think the Ad was focused on young voters. I don’t even remember the beer commercial, so if I saw this commercial without seeing the original I wouldn’t think much about it.

Overall I think Obama delivered a clear message of change. The commercial was witty, a bit funny and serious. It was very appealing as a young person and made you want to vote for him, which was the main goal.