We are always surrounded by technology and it can be overwhelming and for some people its not enough. I agree with what Louis C.K. has to say, that people take technology for granted, but I also disagree. Some people do nothing but complain and complain about something that is already amazing in itself. People in Africa don't even have a cell-phone so people shouldn't complain about how 'crap' theirs are.

However I believe that when people feel this way, it is the start of something new. They want something better, faster and thinking that way can lead to people making something out of it or improving it. I'm sure people complain about how laborious it is to do laundry, that complaint made the washing machine. People weren't satisfied with something and they used their brains to make something amazing. For centuries we have been constantly evolving and improving our way of living. Complaining about something can lead to something great.

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